Here’s the thing about marketing… Before you can get a person to buy your product or service, you have to make them interested. Before you can make them interested, you have to get their attention. Therefore, the real challenge of marketing is getting people’s attention. As a marketer, you should know this by now. Once you have their attention, keeping it is another challenge as well. Oftentimes, people get bored and turn away from your website or page if it has poor visuals or doesn’t have any at all. You’ll be lucky if they will read your entire content.
The attention span of people has been decreasing over the years. This is the reason why marketing approaches need to evolve. More innovative ways and strategies emerge to keep up with the changes in the behavior of buyers. One of these innovations for effective marketing is VideoPal. It is specifically designed to get the viewers’ attention, keep their attention, and stimulate interest.
VideoPal is an easy to use, cloud-based software that enables you to create fully interactive 3D, 2D, and human talking video avatars for your website. VideoPal has an existing library of ready-made scripts for most standard functions like getting subscribers, offering discounts and incentives, and many more. The software also includes a text-to-speech tool so you can make any content you like. There are 24 different languages and 47 voices you can choose from to match your avatar.
With VideoPal, you can add opt-in forms, countdown timers, call-to-action buttons, coupon codes, and text. You can then overlay the VideoPal avatar you created onto your chosen websites, blogs, YouTube and other social media, and even to sites you don’t own. Your VideoPal will be playing over at the bottom side of the web page so the viewers can still see the site’s content. VideoPal is also compatible with all smart phones and mobile devices.
VideoPal is an innovative tool to get your visitors to stay on your site longer. Adding call-to-action buttons, opt-in forms and countdown timers stimulate urgency and encourage viewers to take immediate action. VideoPal is very versatile. You can customize your videos and add them to any site you want. It is a web-based tool and is compatible with all types of devices. All of these components of VideoPal can help increase the sales and productivity of your online business.
VideoPal includes human pals, but they are pre-recorded. You could only use the 3D and 2D avatars if you want to have a customized script and video. The avatar’s voice modulation lacks excitement and its lip language does not closely follow the customized scripts, which makes it look a bit funny.
VideoPal is entertaining and it engages your website viewers as if you are talking to them directly . This way, they can better understand the content of the website. By increasing engagement, your leads and conversions increase as well. Although the avatar’s voice and lip language are not as realistic as you would wish they were, it is not something that annoys you or distracts you from the content.
Check out the demo video below to see VideoPal in action.
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