Streaming video has become more popular these days because it lets you watch anything you want at any time you want. You don’t have to download or record your favorite movies, or wait for them to come on air. Thanks to streaming sticks, you can enjoy quality high definition movies, TV shows, music, sports, and other content from the Internet without added cables. Streaming sticks are small devices about the size of a regular thumb drive. All you have to do is plug it directly into your TV’s USB port, connect your Internet connection, and you’ve got your favorite show.
Among the many brands of streaming sticks in the market today, Roku is the leading brand. It is the company that pioneered streaming for the TV. The Roku Streaming Stick (3600R) is the 2016 version, which delivers fast performance with a quad-core processor and dual-band wireless. It is a small and simple portable device, but has big streaming power. With the Roku Streaming Stick (3600R), you can stream just about anything. With over 450,000 movies, TV episodes, live sports, music, and news, it is entertainment right on schedule for you. It also shows you the top free and cheap movies and TV shows.
The Roku Streaming Stick (3600R) is easy to use and set up. Just create a Roku account to sign up for free trials, subscriptions, rent or buy on demand. The Roku feed also allows you to follow movies, TV shows, actors, directors, and get automatic update when new content is ready to stream or when the price is lowered. The Roku Streaming Stick (3600R) has a simple interface, a remote control, and a mobile app for convenience. It also allows private listening via mobile with your plug-in headphones. Mobile control acts as Roku remote, wherein you can search with voice or text, send photos, video or music to your TV from your phone or tablet.

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