Preparing your own meals at home is certainly better for you than eating out or ordering pizza. Cooking your own food is healthier because you can choose your ingredients. You can make sure you have fruits, vegetables, organic ingredients, and no preservatives or artificial ingredients. On top of that, it is really enjoyable to eat something made with a personal touch – with love and care. The only thing that may come in your way when cooking is time. Food preparation can be time consuming.
But then again, technology is usually the answer to concerns regarding time and hard work. Different kitchen tools and equipment can help you with meal preparation. For quick mincing, chopping, and dicing, you’ll need a food processor. If you want purees and smoothies, get a blender. A food processor is intended for dry ingredients such as vegetables, spices, and even mixing pie dough. A blender, on the other hand, is best used for a more liquid consistency such as shakes, ice cream, juices, and sorbets. Among the best products to combine both functions of a food processor and a blender is the Ninja Master Prep.
Ninja is known for making innovative and quality blenders and food processors while keeping prices affordable. The Ninja Master Prep is a multi-functional device that can be used for both blending and chopping. It comes with either a 400 Watt or 450 Watt motorized part called the power head. It has an easy-flip pour spout, which fits over the chopper bowl, the processor bowl, and the pitcher. All bowls or containers are clear with an anti-spill splash guard and a no-slip base.
We recommend spending a little extra to get the more powerful 450 W Professional version, but the 400 W version works fine, too. The Ninja Master Prep is very easy to use and produces great results. You just may end up using it every day!

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