After you’ve have made all the necessary actions to get visitors to your website, as an inbound marketer, you want to turn them into customers. However, how are you going to convince them to take action? High converting landing pages!
You might be wondering now how you are going to create one. Introducing, InstaBuilder 2.0, the ultimate WordPress marketing plugin. InstaBuilder helps you create high quality landing pages that can generate amazing sales. It allows you to promote products on your website easily. Also, it lets you generate leads without exerting much effort.
InstaBuilder 2.0 does not require any programming skills to operate the software. It comes with several features which make it a fantastic tool. To customize your page, most of the time you just have to click, drag, and drop your options. Plus, it has over 100 template design to choose from.
InstaBuilder 2.0 opens doors to numerous possibilities:
- It lets you create the ideal page that will showcase your product professionally.
- It gives you full control to access every feature such as text modification, column and row layout, text and image boxes, and background designs. Add media options such as images, music and videos.
- It has built in sharing tools which allow visitors to share your content on any social media site.
- Landing pages are all mobile-responsive, for easy viewing on any device.
- Features split testing and analytics integration which allows you to test what options best work for you and what don’t.
- You can create scarcity, deliver important announcements, news and special offers with the built-in notification bars.
- It has the first built-in image editor of any landing page builder.
- Features Exit Popups that can turn leaving visitors into leads and customers.
- Can add animations to impress website visitors.
- Built in SEO settings.
These are some of the many features of InstaBuilder 2.0. Find out more and see for yourself at a very affordable price!
This one-time fee software is very affordable and doesn’t require recurring monthly payments, as many with many other landing page builders. For a landing page builder, this is one of the easiest to use, with over 100 template designs built-in. It also features a Scarcity Builder which is perfect for running special deals that can immediately increase leads and sales. It has all of the most useful features for any landing page builder.
InstaBuilder 2.0 is specifically designed for WordPress users. So if you don’t use WordPress, you can’t use the software.
This software is specifically designed for list builders, online marketers, product owners, and offline consultants. The idea behind the software is to enable the user to easily create high-converting landing pages. It’s one of the best and most feature-rich landing page builders of its kind.
Check out the demo video below to see InstaBuilder 2.0 in action.

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